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Dr. Raya Leibowitz is a leading oncologist and she is heading reproductive urology department at sheba Hospital, Tel Aviv. Dr. Leibowitz obtained her MA and Ph.D. degrees at Sackler School of Medicine- Tel Aviv University, and a clinical research fellowship in Urological and genital tract tumors (UTIs) at Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Canada. Dr. Leibowitz's clinical interests include urinary tract and male genital tumors (prostate, bladder, kidney, testes, adrenal glands, adrenal cancer, and granuloma) and thyroid tumors, as well as aging tumors (treatment of elderly patients).


Dr. Raya Leibowitz is a leading oncologist and she is heading reproductive urology department at sheba Hospital, Tel Aviv. Dr. Leibowitz obtained her MA and Ph.D. degrees at Sackler School of Medicine- Tel Aviv University, and a clinical research fellowship in Urological and genital tract tumors (UTIs) at Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Canada. Dr. Leibowitz's clinical interests include urinary tract and male genital tumors (prostate, bladder, kidney, testes, adrenal glands, adrenal cancer, and granuloma) and thyroid tumors, as well as aging tumors (treatment of elderly patients).

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